Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, can be caused by poor oral hygiene and can also be an indication of other health issues. The types of foods you eat, as well as other harmful lifestyle practices, can aggravate bad breath.
Bad breath, or halitosis, is most commonly caused by bacteria in the mouth. Food particles can collect on the tongue’s surface, between the teeth, or in the gingival (gum) tissue that surrounds the teeth due to poor dental hygiene. Those food particles are subsequently broken down by naturally occurring bacteria in your mouth, generating compounds with a distinct odor.
What triggers bad breath?
- Saliva helps wash food particles out of your mouth, therefore persons who have a dry mouth are more likely to have bad breath. Dry mouth can be caused by a variety of factors, including drugs, mouth breathing, and smoking.
- Bad breath can be caused by infections in the mouth, such as dental caries (tooth decay), periodontal (gum) disease, or mouth ulcers caused by other illnesses. Surgical wounds (such as those from pulled teeth) can also cause halitosis.
- If you don’t brush your teeth regularly, the bacterial film called “plaque” that forms naturally in your mouth might build up. Plaque bacteria produce an odor that affects your breath.
- Diet is a common cause of foul breath. Garlic and onions, in particular, can make your breath smell bad. After your meal has been digested, odor-causing substances can be absorbed into your circulation and subsequently into your lungs, where they are exhaled. Protein and sugar-rich diets have also been linked to poor breath.
- Certain health issues might cause bad breath as a side effect. Infections of the nose, throat, or lungs, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, or digestive system abnormalities can all cause it.
- A group of anaerobic Sulphur-producing bacteria that lives below the surface of the tongue, in the throat, and frequently in the tonsils is implicated in almost all types of poor breath and taste issues.
Bad Breath Signs and Symptoms
- Observing a foul odor emerging from the mouth is the most obvious indicator or symptom of bad breath.
- Changes in flavor or an unpleasant or sour taste
- A coating on the tongue and a dry mouth.
- Brushing your tongue
- Scraping the back of the tongue
- Gum chewing
- Hexidine, Listerine, and Thera Breath are examples of mouth washers
Home remedies for bad breath.
Aloe Vera
Take half a cup of aloe vera juice.
• In a cup of water, boil one teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
• Bay leaves and cardamom can also be added.
• Strain the solution and use it to freshen your breath as a mouth rinse.
Apple Cider Vinegar.
• Before each meal, mix one tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and consume it. The vinegar will aid digestion while also treating foul breath.
• Gargle with a cup of water and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
Bad Breath Prevention
- It is always easier to prevent halitosis than it is to treat it. You can successfully help prevent it by acquiring the appropriate habits.
- Consume high-fiber foods: High-fiber foods can help avoid halitosis. Cookies, cakes, candies, and ice cream are examples of excessively processed foods that contain refined carbohydrates.
- Use mouthwash: Mouthwashes and oral rinses can help to prevent bad breath. Alcohol-based mouthwashes, on the other hand, should never be used because the alcohol dries out the mouth, exacerbating the condition.
- Green and black teas include polyphenols, which aid in the elimination of sulfur compounds and the reduction of oral bacteria.
- Antidepressants, diuretics, pain relievers, and antihistamines are all drying medications that should be avoided unless medically necessary. These medications reduce saliva flow, which can lead to chronic dry mouth
- Regularly get a new toothbrush.
- Schedule regular dental checkups.