
Cancer is a ailment resulting from genetic adjustments leading to out of control cell growth and tumor formation.The fundamental reason of sporadic cancers is DNA destruction and genomic instability.  Cancer is the name given to a a group of diseases caused by a variety of agents (carcinogens) in which there is a marked abnormal proliferation of the cells forming the tissues or organs of the body.

The growth spreads by invading the tissues around the site of the cancer and interfering with normal body functions, perhaps blocking passageways, eroding bone and destroying nerve tissues. Note: If any of these symptoms occur they should be investigated promptly since early detection and treatment of many cancers can lead to successful recovery.

             TYPES OF CANCER

According to research it is known that there are about twenty-two types of cancer and all these types is not funny thing to have them being a part of your life, Below are the list of types of cancer;

    Leukaemia, breast cancer, melanoma, prostrate, cancer, pancreatic cancer, lymphoma, thyroid cancer, appendix cancer, astrocytoma, oropharyngeal cancer, transitional cell carcinoma, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, lung cancer, kaposi sarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, carcinoma, brain tumor, uterine cancer, bladder cancer, gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor, multiple myeloma. Out of theses numerous list of cancer a few have been a little bit defined for readers to acquire a fair knowledge on cancer and it’s relatives.

BREAST CANCER: Although around 80% of lumps in the breast are harmless, all lumps should be investigated. Breast cancer are usually related to hormonal (often in association with prolonged contraceptive pill use ), genetic and dietary factors. Note: blood tests, scanning and X Rays to determine extent of growth or metastases.

CERVICAL CANCER: Cancer of the uterus occurring before or after the menopause and may be one of two types.

Squamous usually related to a viral infection contracted during sexual intercourse, the risk increases through carcinogens from smoking affecting the immune system. 

Also related to early sexual activity and having a wide range of sexual partners.



Adenocarcinoma the cause of which are not known and affecting sexually active and celibate women alike.

Vaginal bleeding or bloody discharge with no determined onset.

INTESTINAL CANCER: The magority of intestinal cancer are found in the large intestine ( with some rare forms being found in the small intestine). Note: Test of feaces for blood and inspection of the rectum and colon using a sigmoidoscope.

                MEDICINAL HERBS

Carrot, garlic, citrus lemonade, celery, carbage, mistletoe, onion, echinacca. Infusion or decoction with 50gm of leaves and 20 bulbs each of the above herbs that produce bulbs with 4 litres of water and drink 1 tea cup 3 times daily, apply honey on the affected part daily.  


 You might be thinking of what then should I eat or the kinds of goods to consume in order to minimize the sickness. 

To minimize cancer you need to eat nutritional diet, that is, food containing measured amount of essential nutrients. Avoid eating unbalanced diets.

vegetables and fruits must be a part of your eating habit like beans nuts eggs chicken cheese oatmeal apple and others. desist from eating fat containing foods and fried foods.  

 herbs are much more effective in the treatment of cancer mostly when you are located in remote or village areas since there is the presence of many herbs but please always seek the advice of your doctor before using any medicine either herbs or industrial manufactured medicines.


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