Making some lifestyle modifications can help with heart disease, or possibly avoid it. Anyone who wants to increase heart health can benefit from making the modifications below:
1. Give up smoking.
Smoking, particularly atherosclerosis, increases the risk of heart disease. The greatest method to lower your risk of heart disease and its complications is to stop smoking.
2. Maintain blood pressure control.
At least every two years, request a blood pressure check from your doctor. If your blood pressure is greater than usual or you have a history of heart problems, they could advise more regular measurements. The ideal blood pressure, expressed in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), is less than 120 systolic and 80 diastolic.
3. Do a cholesterol check.
Once you reach your 20s and then at least once every five years after that, request a baseline cholesterol test from your doctor. If someone in your family has high cholesterol, you might need to start testing sooner. Your doctor could advise taking more frequent readings if your test results aren’t within acceptable bounds. The majority of people should strive for an LDL level of less than 130 mg/dL, or 3.4 mmol/L. If you have additional heart disease risk factors, you should strive for an LDL level below 100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L). Aim for an LDL level that is much lower, around 70 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L), if you have diabetes or are at very high risk of developing heart disease.
4. Keep diabetes in check.
Tight blood sugar control can lower your risk of heart disease if you have diabetes.
5. Workout.
Exercise aids in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight as well as managing heart disease risk factors such raised cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Speak to your doctor about any potential constraints on your ability to participate in certain activities if you have a cardiac arrhythmia or heart defect. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week with the approval of your healthcare physician.
6. Eat nutritious foods.
You may manage your weight, blood pressure,
7. Keep a healthy weight.
Your chance of developing heart disease rises if you are overweight. The ideal weight and waist measurements for preventing and treating heart disease are a BMI of less than 25 and a waist circumference of 35 inches (88.9 cm) or less.
8. Stress management.
Try to relax as much as you can. Practice stress-reduction strategies like deep breathing and muscle relaxation.
9. Address depression.
Being depressed dramatically raises your risk of developing heart disease. If you feel hopeless or uninterested in your life, speak with your healthcare practitioner.
10. Maintain proper hygiene.
To be healthy, avoid contact with others who have contagious illnesses like colds, get vaccinated against the flu, routinely wash your hands, and brush and floss your teeth.
Likewise, schedule routine medical exams. A lifetime of excellent heart health can be achieved with early identification and treatment.