
 Aloe Vera is a plant on the face of the Earth. It can be used to treat many ailments both external and internal and comes in tea, gel , juice ,salve , capsules and decoction forms.

It is effective for animals as it is for humans. It is found in almost every part of the world with a warm tropical climate and cannot survive freezing temperatures.  The major ingredient in the internal gel of Aloe Vera is water, making up 99% of it’s content. The remaining 1% or so of solids is divided amongst 200 different constituents, comprising of marvelously diverse mixture of antibiotics pain inhibitors, cell growth stimulators, inflammation conquers , burn heaters, capillaries, dilators vasoconstrictor inhibitors and moisturizers all having a remarkable degree of penetrant power. Thus Aloe Vera possesses almost a complete health store of medicall y useful ingredients along with a pH reaction factor of pH 4.5 the same as human skin. 

Aloe Vera has been used to heal the wounds of people throughout the world including the body of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior was treated with Aloe Vera and myrrh , according to John 19:36 

Example of disorders aloe vera can cure.

BLOOD CLEANSER :Aloe Vera juice purified the blood and aliphatic system. In the treatment of health conditions it is important that the bloodstream must be purified for building of blood and purification of blood it is done by combining over A and pumpkin leaves and squeeze with  water. Dosage drink a glass twice daily.

SKIN RASHES :  the juice should be applied several times on the affected parts. Aloe Vera clears itching .Aloe Vera has been used in the treatment of skin disease like Aggressive Kaposi Saccoma (AKS) for AIDS patient.

MENSTRUAL DISORDER: treat menstrual disorder. Aloe Vera juice promotes Menstrual flow and help young girls to overcome dysmenorrhea. Those with heavy flow should not drink aloe vera.*

Preparation: A tablespoon full use of aloe vera in 1/2 glass of water and take it one week before menstruation. Have a glass every day for 7 days. 


In 1995 a clinical research conducted by a researcher Thai show that aloe vera juice cure diabetes effectively.

 A tablespoon full of aloe vera reduce excess sugar the blood. Aloe vera works effectively if combined with mistletoe leaves

Dosage:  A tablespoonful of aloe vera juice should be dilute in half glass of water and should be taken twice daily.


RHEUMATISM: Aloe vera juice, garlic, ginger and honey have been found helpful for the cure of those condition that are referred to as hyperacidity state or the blood example arthrist, articulon muscular pains and rheumatism when applied on the affected area. Mix aloe vera juice, ginger, garlic and honey drink it and rub on the affected area.

WOUNDS AND BURNS: Aloe vera contains three anti-inflammatory acid all of which are plants steroids, it is good for the treatment of burns. Aloe vera promotes healing of wounds as its heals has own wounds and accelerate its regeneration and reduces the scar.

Preparation: extract aloe vera juice and rub on the affected area three times daily, the juice will heal the wounds and Burns smoothly.

STIMULATES HAIR GROWTH: For the natural hair growth and natural hair color, aloe Vera does the growth of the hair excellently. The phantothemic acids contained in aloe vera juice gives the natural hair growth.

Preparation: Apply aloe vera juice on the whole hair twice daily morning and evening.

STRETCH MARKS AND SKIN WRINKLES: people who have stretch marks and skin wrinkles have it as a result of excessive use of active bleaching cream, sudden weight loss, obesity and pregnancy. Mash carrot and aloe vera gel and rub it on the affected part of the body. Aloe vera and carrots to smooth skin and clear stretch marks and skin wrinkles effectively.

BREAST CANCER: We thank God almighty for creating this wonderful plant which is called aloe vera and it is well known for the most powerful anticancer agents. women with cancer should use aloe vera regularly to have 60% chance of survival. Aloe vera destroys tumor cells and stimulates cell formation. Internal use of aloe vera activates the lymphocytes, a kind of all whose main function is destroying cancer cells. When applied externally on breast it penetrates and gives strength to the breast tissues.

Preparation:  blend the entire leaf do not remove the skin apply on the breast and leave it till the next day.

Cut the entire leaf of the aloe vera into pieces one leaves into 3 glasses of water put in a container allow it to ferment overnight or 24 hours preferably inside a refrigerator to enable their medicinal constituents of the plants release into the water. Take a glass of it’s in the morning and a glass of it in the evening or night and continue until you are cured of the sickness.

INSOMNIA (sleeplessness): one may find it difficult to sleep at night as a result of the strenuous work during the day mix a little quantity of honey with aloe vera juice and drink it before going to bed.

IMMUNE BOOSTER: aloe vera has been generally used as immune system stimulants. The immune boosting activity aloe vera is well-known among natural health practitioners. aloe vera contains accemanan, an immune stimulant substance which increases defense.


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