
There are a lot of disease that attack the body system, and these diseases breaks down the system of the body. Among such disease lies and outstanding one called meningitis.   


          Meningitis is a disease that affects the brain and the spinal cord. It occurs when the meninges get inflamed. The meninges are the membrane that encloses and protects the spinal cord and the Brain. The meninges comes in three forms of membranes and each membrane performs a specific function assigned to it by nature. Around the meninges surround a fluid. When the fluid surrounding the meninges are infected then the disease called meningitis occurs. The most causative organism of meningitis are bacteria, In short put, bacteria is the main cause of the disease.


There are three types of meningitis.

1. Fungi meningitis.

2. Bacterial meningitis.

3. Viral meningitis.

The bacteria that causes bacterial meningitis is bacteria Neisseria meningitides.


 For someone to be well sure that you are either carrying the disease or not then the person has to check the following symptoms.

1. Decreased appetite=> Meningitis reduces the desire to have a taste of food, which means one looses most of his or her appetite when she or he is diagnosed with meningitis.

2. High fever=> The temperature of a meningitis patient arises or goes above the normal 37°C.

3. Sleepiness=> There is a sudden desire for sleeping without being tired or feeling dizzy.

4. Headache alongside vomiting and nausea=> You just begin to throw up and your head will start aching you so badly.


5. Difficulties in concentrating=> It will be hard to stay focus or pay attention to a particular action. Your concentration level will reduce.

Other symptoms of meningitis includes; stiff neck, seizure, sensitivity to light, severe headache, phonophobia, altered mental status, severe muscle pain, Rash, lethargy. Etc.

The symptoms of meningitis are numerous and none of these symptoms pains the least. They are all equally painful and that explains how dangerous or chronic meningitis is. For some patients they unfortunately get killed by this deadliest disease usually when it is not well treated or not treated in its early stages.


Though the symptoms varries depending on age of the patient, but never underrate it it’s symptoms. It develops within a few hours or days after contracting it.


Going by the adage, “prevention is better than cure” one wouldn’t want to contract this disease before looking for it’s solutions. Meningitis caused by bacteria are very very dangerous. 

Even though most people recovers from it but, they graduate from the disease with a lifetime disability or physical challenge like total loss of hearing, damage of the brain and also it disables one’s ability to learn since he or she cannot pay attention or listen attentively towards what the teacher teaches.

We’ve come to conclude that, we should prevent meningitis and with that being noted, let’s discuss on how to prevent meningitis.

Covering nose and mouth=> Cover your nose or mouth whenever you are sneezing or coughing with a tissue or handkerchief.

Regular washing hands=> In order to prevent the spread of the disease you should wash your hands properly from time to time using a good soap, this must be done immediately after returning from public gatherings, handshaking, visiting washroom and other unrestricted places.

Staying healthy=> For this point you should avoid any activity that overburden the body, get enough rest, regular exercising, eating healthy(fresh) foods and most of fruits and vegetables, avoid smoking, drinking and drugs to protect the immune system

Proper personal hygiene=> Desist from using toothbrush, drinks, straws and any other personal gadget used by someone else.

Vaccination=> also you can avoid contracting the disease by taking a vaccine as a precaution against the contraction of meningitis.


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