
Describe dysphagia.

The intricate motor skill of swallowing necessitates the coordination of numerous nerves and muscles. People who have neurological disorders such cerebral palsy, dementia, cervical spine injuries, or a stroke may have trouble swallowing. The signs of difficulty swallowing, or dysphagia, can include excessive salivation and choking when eating. Aspiration pneumonia and other issues are also possible. Learn 4 Mixtures That Completely Remove Plaque From Your Teeth here

Can Exercises to Improve Swallowing Help Treat Dysphagia?

When developing a dysphagia treatment plan, speech therapists and occupational therapists, who are specially trained to assess swallow function, may include exercises designed to improve the ability to swallow. Simple dysphagia swallowing exercises, like those listed below, may also be prescribed by your therapist for you to perform at home.

Exercises can help to strengthen and improve the coordination of the muscles and nerves related to swallowing, just like they can with any other weak or uncoordinated muscles.

Home Treatment for Dysphagia Exercises for Swallowing

1.) Shaker Exercise Intention: 

Purpose: To build muscle and enhance swallowing

How to do it: Start by lying flat on your back and lifting your head just a little bit off the floor. So that your eyes are fixed on your toes, raise your head high enough. After a little period of holding this posture, lower your head again. Continue to move in this manner a couple more times. Perform this exercise three to six times throughout the day for the optimum benefits. You can lengthen the head raise and add more repetitions as you get stronger. Good for you “A Glass Of Celery Juice Lowers High Blood Pressure, Sugar Levels and Reduces Gout Pain Almost Instantly”

2. Hyoid Lift Maneuver Goal: 

Purpose: Strengthens and improves control of the swallowing muscles

How to do it: Put a towel in front of you with several little pieces of paper on it. After that, put a straw in your mouth and suck on it, letting the straw’s tip pick up the paper. As you move the straw to a cup, continue sucking while doing so, then let go to let the paper fall into the cup. You should try to fill the cup with all of the pieces of paper. Start with three to five pieces of paper and gradually increase to about ten.


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3.) Active Swallow 

Purpose: Intensify the contact and synchronization of the various muscles utilized in swallowing.


How to do it: While dry swallowing, contract as many of the swallowing muscles as you can. Up to ten times can be done in one session. To adequately strengthen your muscles, perform this exercise three times daily.

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4. Supraglottic Swallow Aims to Enhance Food Swallowing

Purpose: Enhances your capacity to swallow food

How to do it: As you insert a little bite of food in your mouth and swallow it, take a deep breath and continue to hold it. After that, cough to get rid of any food or saliva that may have gotten past your voice cords. Exhale lastly. Don’t eat while performing the exercise the first few times. Also good “Home Remedies for Vaginal Odor in Women”

5.) Super Supraglottic Swallow Maneuver Goal: 

Purpose: Strengthens the muscles in your throat and helps you swallow better.

How to do it: The procedure for this exercise is essentially the same as the one for the prior one, only a little more intensive. This time, you should push through while inhaling deeply and then swallow forcefully. 


Please only perform these swallowing exercises on the advice of and under the supervision of your attending speech therapist.


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