
 Managing Nocturia

Frequent nighttime urination is known as nocturia. Nocturia is a major cause of poor sleep. It causes fatigue. It even increases the risk of heart diseases, depression and gastrointestinal disorders. However, according to health experts, nocturia is a normal sign of aging.

Causes of nocturia

Several factors are associated with frequent nighttime urination. In younger people, urine production is greater during the day. However, in elderly people, poor production of the anti-diuretic hormone slows down the urine production process.


The bladder becomes frequently filled in the night, leading to excessive nighttime urination. Moreover, in aged adults, the bladder shrinks in size. The aged bladder could hold a smaller volume of urine, hence forcing frequent urination during the night to empty the bladder.

In men, nocturia might be a sign of enlarged prostate. It could even be the symptom of urinary tract infection and kidney stones. People on diuretic medications are often forced to empty their bladder frequently. Drinking too much water before going to bed might cause nocturia. Nocturia is common among diabetics.

If nocturia is a symptom of an underlying health disorder, it will subside naturally once the illness is cured. Medications are often prescribed for treating nocturia.

Nocturia medications include synthetic hormones that prevent production of urine during the night. Drugs that prevent contraction of the bladder muscles could prevent nocturia. Antidepressants might reduce urination by increasing the tension at the neck of the bladder.

However, nocturia medications cause adverse side effects such as heartburn, dry mouth and constipation. If nocturia occurs without an underlying disease, it can be safely managed with lifestyle modifications.

Researchers of Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan have observed that lifestyle therapy could significantly reduce the number of nighttime trips to empty the bladder. Nocturia might be prevented by limiting fluid intake in the evening.

During the day, nocturia sufferers are advised to limit their total fluid consumption to 2 per cent of their body weight. If you are thirsty before going to bed, sip a small amount of water. To reduce nighttime urination you should keep your body warm while sleeping. Sleeping with the legs elevated could prevent nocturia.


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