Numbness and tingling are strange prickling sensations that can happen anywhere on your body. These feelings are most commonly felt in the hands, feet, arms, and legs.
1. Diabetes
The most prevalent cause of numb or tingly hands and feet is nerve damage caused by excessive blood sugar. Other signs of uncontrolled diabetes may also exist.
You may be thirsty, urinate frequently, or have a fruity odor on your breath. A medical professional can do a blood test to determine if you have diabetes. If you do, they’ll advise you on how to slow or stop nerve damage from occurring, as well as how to keep it from degenerating.
2. Vitamin Deficiency
A lack of vitamins B or E in the body can cause problems with your nerves and other body organs. It’s possible that you’re not eating the correct things. A blood test to assess your vitamin levels can be done by your doctor. They’ll suggest things to eat, vitamins to take, or other therapies.
3. Infectious disease
A variety of viral and bacterial illnesses can affect your nerves, causing numbness or stabbing pain in your hands and feet. HIV, Lyme disease, shingles, Hepatitis B, and C are only a few of these infections. Your doctor may be able to treat the infection and alleviate your symptoms.
4. Kidney Disease
Toxins in your blood that can harm your nerves are removed by your kidneys. Your hands and feet may tingle if your kidneys aren’t working properly. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two most common causes of renal failure.
5. Expectant motherhood
The growing baby in your womb, as well as the increased fluids that come with pregnancy, can put pressure on your nerves. This causes tingling and numbness in your arms, hands, and legs.
Your tummy may become numb as a result of stretched skin. A wrist splint worn at night may help with hand problems. When you give birth, the sensation should go gone.
6. Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol consumption can injure your nerves and tissues over time. Binge drinking can cause a deficiency in vitamins like B12 and folate. Damage to your nerves, as well as a lack of vitamins, might prevent them from working properly.
It’s possible that you’ll lose feeling in your feet and hands as a result of this. If you don’t drink, you might be able to undo some of the damage
How To Deal with Numbness.
- Rest. Nerve pressure is one of the most common causes of leg and foot numbness and usually improves with rest.
- Ice. Ice can aid in the reduction of edema that puts pressure on nerves.
- Heat.
- Massage.
- Exercise.
- Assistive technology.
- Baths using Epsom salts.
- Stress management and mental strategies.