When blood pressure is kept under control, it is less likely for people to experience the harmful side effects that might occur when it rises too high.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is linked to an increased risk of kidney disease, heart attack, visual issues, heart failure, stroke, and a variety of other life-threatening illnesses. Unfortunately, many people either ignore these threats or discover that the prescriptions provided by their doctor have negative side effects that make them feel even worse.
Medication Isn’t The Sole Way To Help.
The physician frequently emphasizes to the patient how essential their lifestyle choices are to their health as part of a treatment plan for high blood pressure.
Herbs That Can Be Of Assistance
The herbs listed below, many of which are well-known and already in use in kitchens around the world, can help lower blood pressure and minimize the need for pharmaceuticals.
According to a study conducted at the Clinical Research Center of New Orleans, allicin, a component contained in garlic, assisted nine research patients with severe hypertension in lowering their blood pressure.
According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, the antioxidant flavonol quercetin caused subjects to have lower diastolic and systolic blood pressures than those who merely took a placebo.
Olive oil, a mainstay of the Mediterranean diet, has been proved to lower blood pressure, making Mediterranean residents some of the healthiest on the planet.
Mean diastolic pressure was lowered in 79 persons with Type 2 diabetes who received 1200mg of hawthorn extract for sixteen weeks.
The herbs listed above demonstrate that just because a diet adjustment is important for optimal health does not mean it has to be boring. The use of some of the most common herbs in large amounts can improve one’s health.